Home News How You Can Visit Dubai Safari Park During The Summer

How You Can Visit Dubai Safari Park During The Summer

How You Can Visit Dubai Safari Park During The Summer

Dubai Safari Park will be shutting for the momentum season on June 2, however creature and Nature darlings can in any case partake in a few extraordinary encounters at the recreation area throughout the mid year months.

This is on the grounds that the recreation area has reported new bundles, solely for the mid year.

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Dubai Safari Park will be shutting for the ebb and flow season on June 2, however creature and Nature darlings can in any case partake in a few novel encounters at the recreation area throughout the mid year months.

This is on the grounds that the recreation area has reported new bundles, solely for the mid year.

Three Packages Launched

Three Packages Launched

The mid year passes will be accessible from June to September. Ahmed Ibrahim Al Zarouni, head of Recreational areas and Sporting Offices Division at Dubai District, reported that the accompanying bundles will be advertised:

1. Summer Tours

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This visit will offer two-hour encounters, facilitated two times day to day - 8-10am and 6-8pm. The visits are uncommonly planned around the creatures' mid year taking care of and resting examples, and you will actually want to partake in a few safari encounters and creature experiences during the visit.

2. Summer Safari Journey

Interesting Facts About Dubai Safari Park

With this bundle, you will actually want to partake in a confidential visit in a cooled vehicle. This choice is great for gatherings of up to 10 individuals.

3. Walk in the wild

Dubai Safari Park | Attractions in Dubai

This is another bundle being presented by Dubai Safari Park - an hour and a half directed visit promptly in the first part of the day. You will have the chance to partake in the regular environmental elements and notice creatures in their normal living spaces.

When can I book the tickets?

Dubai Safari Park + AYA Universe Dubai

The new summer passes were reported at the Bedouin Travel Market, with subtleties on the most proficient method to book tickets and the expense of each bundle expected to be delivered soon. The story will be refreshed as and when the subtleties are reported.

How can I reach Dubai Safari Park?

How can I reach Dubai Safari Park?

The Dubai Safari Park is situated in the Al Warqa 4 area, off E44, Ras Al Khor Street. To arrive at the recreation area, you would have to initially take E311 - Sheik Mohammed Container Zayed Street - and take Exit 52. The leave will be number 52, whether or not you are coming from the heading of Sharjah or Abu Dhabi. The leave will take you towards Mythical serpent Shop, which will fall to your right side. Follow headings for Dubai Safari Park, which will fall on the left half of the street. Take a u-abandon the primary traffic circle to arrive at Dubai Safari Park, which will then be to your right side.

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